By plastic many of the herbivorous can die by eating it.As plastic is non biodegradable it can not be degist
Plastic can be dangerous, even deadly, for rabbits. Plastic sheeting and plastic bags are dangerous because the rabbit could get entangled and suffocate. Any type of plastic is dangerous if the rabbit eats any (and many rabbits do try to eat soft plastics and rubber substances, especially cords and wires, so any area the rabbit has access to must be carefully "bunny-proofed"). Rabbits can die from eating plastic because they can't digest it, so it can lead to gut impaction (which is very serious, even deadly). If your rabbit eats a bite or two of plastic, watch your rabbit very, very carefully for signs of digestive illness or any signs of ill health. If your rabbit seems fine and normal in all ways, then a vet visit isn't necessary but do tell your vet what happened at your next regular appointment.
5 million
Obviously no! I don't know about any theories.. .But i have done an experiment on them which tells us that rabbits doesn't dies from eating tomatoes.......
Yes,......Plastic has chemicals
Get a rabbit eating flower.
yes if they havent chewed it properly
Rabbits can scream quite loud when they are caught. I would believe they scream until they die when they are caught by a predator. Most rabbits are dead when the actual eating begins, and then they do their favourite trick of not making much sound at all.
You should not be giving rabbits meat. Rabbits are herbivores.