If heavily pregnant, yes, the cat will most likely be showing. At sometime around the fifth week of pregnancy, you will probably be able to notice the cat's stomach is getting a little bigger and rounder. A cat's nipples become enlarged and become very pink around three weeks into the pregnancy. This is the easiest sign to see if your cat is pregnant.
If you are unsure, it is best to go to a vet who can scan your cat which will tell you if your cat is expecting kittens, and possibly how many.
A male may hump another male to assert their dominance and show the other that they are in charge.
cuz there pregnant and we know how that comes around!
Cats have a special mating ritual, where they entice the males. Dogs just do it whenever.
NO! you can only get pregnant if a egg gets fertalized by a sperm.
that is pretty bad. I would take it to the vet if it continues erm...... humping dead cats....
Cats may hump due to sexual frustration, dominance behavior, or stress. It is a natural behavior but excessive humping may indicate an underlying issue that should be addressed by a veterinarian.
There is no reason why a pregnant women should avoid cats. Cats are very loving and affection usually.
Pregnant cats shed more than they do when they are not pregnant. This occurs because of hormonal changes and the distention of the belly.
Yes. It is just like how after the first sex, a human can get pregnant.