They reproduce sexually. They roll into a ball together belly to belly so they won't stick each other with their quills. I saw it on TV one day.
After mating they might attack sometimes even to death.
cause they'd poke each other's eyes out!
No , the porcupines don't get along because the males fight over the females.
Yes. They have poison spikes on their backs which can inject the bad stuff into it's mate.
By mating with each other
When the subject is mating, organisms will have to rely on each other to provide the male or female gametes that will produce a new organism.
It is mating season for fish when it is really hot and dry.
You cannot
Normally, unless mating or competing for mates, they ignore each other totally.
they would likely fight for mating rights during the mating season. or they could fight each other for food.
Penguins breed by mating and copulating, like other birds.