

Do polar bears pee on ice?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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12y ago

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yes, they do. They have that very coarse and thick fur that keeps them warm.

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13y ago
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12y ago

no they pee in the water

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11y ago

Of course

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What are ice bears?

Polar bears are called ice bears by some.

Why is melting sea ice such a threat to the polar bears?

Melting sea ice is a threat to the polar bears because without the sea ice the polar bears predators will see them and swim away.

How did polar bears overcome global warming?

They haven't. Polar bears are now a threatened species. If the polar ice cap goes, then so do the polar bears, as they rely on oceanic ice to secure their food.

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they leave there sent on them 'pee'

Where do polar bears pee?

Anywhere they feel like peeing.

Why do polar bears live in the polar ice?

THey live in the polar ice because their fur and they are used to that temperature

Do polar bears walk on warm ice?

Warm ice melts and turns into water, and no. Polar bears dont walk on water...

What scientists are helping polar bears?

Polar Bears international is a collaboration of scientist and conversationalist working together to save the polar bears. The survival of the polar bears is linked to the arctic ice.

Where is the food or animals polar bears eat located?

Under the ice on which the Polar Bears roam.

What are the release dates for Polar Bears Ice Bear - 2013?

Polar Bears Ice Bear - 2013 was released on: USA: October 2013

What are the ratings and certificates for Polar Bears Spy on the Ice - 2010?

Polar Bears Spy on the Ice - 2010 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

On what do polar bears depend?

Right now, polar bears depend on humans. The habitat of the polar bear is decreasing. Because of global warming, the ice is melting. Polar bears are dying off because they have to swim long distances to get to ice.