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Misanthropy is a common development in socially unwanted teenagers, especially if they have grown up in an abusive environment. Wild imagination, a need to escape negative situations, burgeoning hormonal maelstroms and many other factors from childhood to adulthood can contribute to a disassociation with one's humanity or the desire to be inhuman. Belonging to a different form of life is a fantastical wish that seems absurd and alien to most people who have not experienced such desires, but there is a great deal of subconcious logic to this state of being. Release from responsibility and routine are probably the greatest motivating factors, but the details of the life and behaviour of the person in question will shape the over all fantasy. For those who feel anger and rage in regards to their situation, namely the people involved, then a desire to become a predator for the strength and killing power of the beast is only too common. Such a path is common in humans, it just isn't given such an imaginative route. After all, who hasn't felt an intense desire to strike out at a bully or enemy of some kind, to harm or kill those who have embarrassed or terrified them?

Another outlet for the intense emotions that drive such people is a more innocent, or weak should you choose to perceive it as such, fantasy of escape and freedom. Birds are greatly common in escape fantasies. What earthbound harm could catch up to a being who takes to the skies? Less violent cases of abused children and adolescences often find day dreams of feathers and wings to be the answer to their heart's content; contrarily causing emotional and mental agony over their inability to fulfill such a dream. School goers of all ages have done this very same act of mentally visualized escape when the boredom of the classroom has become too much.

Humans are diverse, complicated, intensely emotional creatures with the ability to synthesize sensory information, augmented with abstract values, in the form of imagination. It is a crucial part to being what we are! Still we have little control over the majority of our mental processes, which leads to a great deal of confusion and inner turmoil. In the end we all must deal with the duality of being powerfully instinctive animals with the power of thought. A desire to leave behind humanity in order to become a beast should never be a difficult fantasy to comprehend.

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some do some do not i personaly am inderferent to it

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Q: Do people like turning into werewolves?
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No, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of people changing into werewolves. Werewolves are a fictional mythological creature often depicted in folklore and popular culture.

How do people turn into Werewolves?

They don't. Werewolves are fictional.

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Mountain ash is like a protective spell to werewolves. Back in the day people would say that you were never safe from werewolves unless you had shade from mountain ash on your house.

Why are the legions of vampires and werewolves so popular?

Maybe because people like them!!

Why do people change into werewolves?

actually,people don't change into werewolves. there are no such thing. whoever told you that people change into werewolves is just wrong. or i could just tell you this,people made up werewolves. sorry but it's true.

What makes werewolves so cool for you i need to know for my video game?

Well, I have always liked the idea of turning into an animal, plus I like wolves.

Can a person change into a werewolves?

No, people don't change into werewolves.

Do werewolves exeist?

do werewolves exeist?people belive that if a werewolf bites someone it puts there DNA in your body.when you look at the full moon the DNA enlarges and turning the human into a wolf.when the human werewolf loses sight of the moon the human will turn back.

Where do werewolves live and sleep?

Most sleep in homes like regular people but they (we) like running at night