

Do pandas grow fast

Updated: 12/10/2022
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Q: Do pandas grow fast
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Related questions

What is the natural history of pandas?

pandas come from larger pandas, who later grow to be big and have little pandas

How fast can a panda move?

Pandas can move really fast

How fast are giant pandas?

i am bob

How fast can pandas swim?

Not Very Fast for all of that heavy fat.

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What does China do for pandas?

one of the ways china helps pandas is the increasingly large supply of bamboo which pandas need to eat/live and grow.

What age do pandas grow up to be?

Pandas live for about 20 years in the wild and 35 years in captivity.

Is a panda very fast?

Is a pandas fast cuz im doing a report on it and i need to know how fast can a panda run?!?!?!?!?!?

What would pandas eat in the North Pole?

pandas dont live in the north pole, and even if they did, bamboo doesn't grow there.

What kind of offspring do pandas have?

Usually the offspring of pandas will be smaller pandas. However, these smaller pandas tend to grow quite rapidly to approximately the size of the parents. Thereafter, it is difficult to distinguish between the parents and the offspring.

How fast can pandas run?

Pandas can run up to 20-25 miles per hour for short distances. They are not known for being fast runners and may use other techniques, like climbing or swimming, to evade predators or travel efficiently.

How fast do pandas climb trees?

Faster than you can climb a tree.