The Scottish Fold cats have very large, round eyes.
Yes, Scottish Fold cats are very prone to eye infections.
Yes, there are purebred Scottish Fold cats that have a lilac coat.
Yes, the Scottish Fold cat breed loves to play with their owners.
A Scottish Fold is a type of pure breed cat known for its distinctive wrinkles which bend the ears foward. Scottish Fold cats may be purchased from breeders who specialize in this type of cat. Additionally, a person may check their local pet classified advertisements for individuals selling Scottish Fold cats. The Pet Finder is a website which allows an individual to search for Scottish Fold cats in their area.
The exact amount of Scottish Fold cats are not known on the TICA website.
No, Scottish Fold cat breeds are not at all hard to care for. They are a great breed.
Yes, there are some purebred Scottish Fold cats that are black.
The Scottish Fold is a medium-size cat, with males typically reaching 9 to 13 lbs. (6-9 for females)
A Scottish Ear Fold cat is a breed of cats that are a tan to orangey color and its ears are folded down about halfway up its ear (a little like a puupy's ear, but not exactly). These cats, especially when they are kittens, are very cute.
I am not an expert, but I do know of one breed that does: The Scottish Fold
Yes, the purebred Scottish Fold cats can have a blue tabby coat.