Do ferrets eat mice?
Yes, ferret can eat mice, some owners prefer to feed ferrets a raw diet, including mice. Ferrets were at one time used as rodent control in the U S, endorsed by the U S Department of Agriculture, until they were replaced with chemical exterminator for rodents. They were used from 1860 until World War II to protect grain stores in the American West.
raccoons, mice, foxes
No. Oranges eat mice.
Meal worms can not eat onions or pickles, but they can eat strawberries. :)
No, it is doubtful that a raccoon would eat a poinsettia which can be poisonous.
-12.98xpi to the power of 6
yes they do eat mice
yes they do eat mice
No,they eat grains.
yes they can. chickens LOVE strawberries. like me!
Deer, elk, cariboue mice rabbits hare etc.
no it is not alive.