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Lionhead rabbits make good pets for children but can be very mean if you pick them up after they reach about six months old. Sometimes they can be a bit snappy and may nibble on you for protection. Pick one that is calm, that one will be the best!

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Q: Do lionhead rabbits make good pets for children?
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Related questions

What is a dwarf lionhead?

I have a dwarf lionhead its a mix of dwarf and lionhead like... My rabbits parents her mom is a dwarf and her dad is a lionhead they make the best pet though they are small and fluffy and so cute!

Why do lionhead rabbits have manes?

its also to make them look unique, they were named the lionhead because of their maney look, like a lion, they have manes, and so the rabbit looked like a lion, they were named that

Can you breed Lionhead and Dwarf rabbits?

You can, but breeding is not an activity to be taken lightly. Consider that rabbits are overpopulated in urban areas all over the world. Hundreds of rabbits are killed in shelters in North America every year, just because there is not enough room. Are you sure you will find good homes for all your rabbits, and that those homes couldn't have taken home a rabbit from a shelter instead? If you do decide to breed rabbits, you have to make sure you take good care of the mother and kits. There are many resources online that can give you information. The lop-lionhead rabbit may look a bit odd though because it is likely that the lionhead's 'mane' would be carried down, though only in odd tufts!

Are lionhead rabbits going extinct?

Yes they are endangered. No, Lionhead rabbits are not endangered or going extinct: no domestic breed of rabbit is. If anything, domestic rabbits are overpopulated: they're the third most relinquished pet (after cats and dogs), and many animal shelters have far too many of them, so they need to kill them in order to make room for more.

Why do Holland lops make good rabbits?

They are friendly and smaller than some other rabbits so they are easier to hold and handle. They are especially good pets for children.

Can you eat lion head rabbits?

You can eat any kind of rabbit, but lion heads do not make the ideal fryer. They are too small.

What does a lionhead rabbit look like?

A lionhead are really hairy. Some grow really big. They are really cute. Sometimes you have to cut the lionhead's hair. Make sure if its a girl or a boy.

Do UK mini lop rabbits make good house rabbits?

No, not at all

Should you feed your lionhead bunny apples?

Lionhead rabbits eat the same diet as all pet rabbits. Lionhead rabbits can eat apples but -- as with all rabbits -- only as a treat. Apple seeds should be removed because they're toxic to rabbits. Rabbits should eat a diet of mostly hay, with some fresh greens and high-quality pellets daily. Natural treats, like apple, should be limited or eliminated entirely from a rabbit's diet. Too many treats can make a rabbit sick. A small bite or two of apple once every few days should be okay for your Lionhead rabbit, or any rabbit, assuming she's also healthy and eating a balanced diet. See the related question below for more info and helpful links about the rabbit diet.

How do you make a Holland lop?

its a breed on its own. you can not take a rex or lionhead and just "make" a loop bunny.

Which rabbits make the best pet and why?

well rabbits make a good pet because they will learn to love u and bite something but if u get it angry it will stay away from u also the

What two rabbits should you mix to make a good meat rabbit?

black and white.