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Kookaburras do not build nests like many other birds do, out of sticks and/or grass. Kookaburras lay up to three eggs in a nest they hollow out of an old termite nest, or a hollow already in a tree, which they will sometimes enlarge with their strong beaks.

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12y ago

Larger species of kangaroos such as Reds and Greys, and the wallabies, neither "nest" nor make nests.

However, some of the smaller species, such as the various rat-kangaroos (quite unrelated to the kangaroo rat of North America) do make nests, in a burrow, under tree roots or within grassy underbrush.

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14y ago

Red kangaroos do not build nests or burrows.

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Where do tree kangaroos sleep?

The tree kangaroos sleep and live in the trees. The animals sleep during the day and are awake during the night hours.

Does a Grey kangaroo live in a nest?

No. Larger species of kangaroos such as Reds and both species of Greys, as well as wallaroos and wallabies, neither "nest" nor make nests.However, some of the smaller species, such as the various rat-kangaroos (quite unrelated to the kangaroo rat of North America) do make nests, in a burrow, under tree roots or within grassy underbrush.

How animals protect their young ones?

Animals protect their young in different ways. Kangaroos for an example carry their young in a pouch while birds keep their young in a nest.

How kangaroos become kangaroos?

Kangaroos are born as kangaroos.

Are Kangaroos in Derbyshire?

kangaroos are not found in the wild in England. Kangaroos are native to Australia.

Can kangaroos speak English?

No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.No, kangaroos cannot speak English.

Are there Asian kangaroos?

The only kangaroos in Asia are tree kangaroos.

Are there kangaroos in Montana?

Kangaroos are native to Australia alone. If there are kangaroos in Montana, they will be wild ones which have escaped from zoos.

Are kangaroos still around?

Yes. There are millions of kangaroos in their native country of Australia, especially Grey Kangaroos and Red Kangaroos. Factor in all the species of wallabies, tree kangaroos, potoroos, quokkas, rat-kangaroos and wallaroos, and there is no question about whether or not kangaroos are still around.

Where there any kangaroos in Animal Jam?

yes , there were kangaroos

Do kangaroos have placentas?

Yes kangaroos have a placenta.