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I think it is because they are nocturnal this mean they stay in burrows in the day and are active at night also to protect themselves form preditors .

hope this helps :)

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15y ago

I did a report on this. They use their hind legs, because their legs are so fast. it doesnt take long for them to do this task.

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15y ago

no they sleep at night so they are killed

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Q: Do kangaroo mice sleep underground during the day?
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Most mice are nocturnal, they sleep during the day. They play more and eat more at night.

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Field mice do not have long, hind legs like a kangaroo.

Do kangaroo mice live in the grasslands?

Kangaroo mice are quite different to kangaroos, kangaroo rats and rat-kangaroos. There are two species of kangaroo mice in North America, but several more species in Australia. They are quite unrelated to kangaroos or rat-kangaroos, but they are related to the North America kangaroo rats. Kangaroo mice in Australia are more commonly known as native hopping mice.There are several species of hopping mice, and they tend to inhabit sandy deserts, rather than grasslands.

Do field mice sleep?

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What do's a kangaroo rat eat?

Kangaroo rats eat rabbits and mice

What kind of mice are not nocturnal?

Diurnal mice are active during the day and sleep at night, unlike nocturnal mice which are active at night. Some examples of diurnal mice include deer mice and house mice.

What state does the kangaroo rat live?

Kangaroo rats generally live in underground burrows which they have excavated themselves. Often times the burrow is at the base of a shrub or bush. It spends most of its day underground sleeping, and comes out to feed at night when it is cooler. Kangaroo rats are found in the drier regions of the western and southwestern U.S.

Are kangaroo rats mice or rats?

Neither. Like mice and rats, they are rodents, but they are only distantly related to mice and rats.

What animals noctural in the desert?

in some places in the desert there are desert mice that live underground and come out during the night.

Are mice nocturnle?

Yes, they nocturnal meaning they wake up at night and sleep during the day.

What do pet mice sleep in?

they can sleep in their cages