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Q: Do jackals use camouflage
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Do beavers use camouflage?

no they do not

How does a squirrels camouflage?

Squirrels do not use camouflage.

How do you use sentence in camouflage?

How do you use camouflage in a sentence?The soldiers used branches and leaves to camouflage their equipment.Some animals can camouflage themselves very well.

How does the cheetah use camouflage?

it uses camouflage because of its fur

What are six organisms that uses camouflage and how camouflage helps these organisms?

Many insects use camouflage. Name one of the laws of camouflage.

Does a rattlesnake use any chemical to camouflage itself?

No a rattlesnake does not use chemical to camouflage itself

Do dragonflies use camouflage?

The dragonfly camouflage's everywhere.hahaha got ya

A sentence with camouflage in it?

birds use camouflage to stay away from consumers.

Do cats use camouflage?

no you fool cats can't camouflage they can hide in tall grass and stuff but they dont have camouflage

Why do grasshoppers use camouflage?

grass hoppers camouflage to stalk there pray easily

Do rhinos use camouflage?


Do skunks use camouflage?

no !