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Blue whales - like all whales - are placental mammals. They give live birth and don't lay eggs.
A whale is a mammal meaning that it gives live birth. there are only several mammals on the planet that lay eggs and whales aren't one of them. So no.
No, a blue whale can not lay an egg because whales are mammals and they give live birth like all mammals do such as humans.

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6y ago
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13y ago

Are you completely stupid or are you joking. Blue whales are MAMMALS and are born live. This means the mother will give birth. I hope you're clever enough to know what giving birth means too.

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12y ago

Females typically give birth to one calf every two to three years at the start of winter. The new born is 2.5 metric tons heavy and is around 7 meters long at birth. He drinks nearly 400 liters of milk every day and gains around 100 kilos of weight almost every day when he grows.

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14y ago

No... Beluga Whales are mammals and give birth to live young. Beluga Sturgeons found in the Caspian Sea, lay eggs.

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7y ago

Blue whales don't lay any eggs. They give live birth.

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13y ago

No. All whales are mammals, and as such have live birth as well as nurture their young.

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13y ago

no its a mammal

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Q: Do humpback whales lay eggs
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How are humpback whales born?

from eggs

Where does a humpback whale lay there eggs?

Nowhere - they are mammals, which do not lay eggs.

Is a humpback whale a reptile?

No, a humpback whale is a mammal like all whales because it is warm-blooded, and doesn't lay eggs. It also can't breathe under water.

How do humpback whales get their oxygen?

from eggs and sharks

Do humpback whales have kits eggs or babies?

Whales are mammals. Their offspring are called calfs.

Where do whales lay eggs?

Whales do not lay eggs ! They are mammals giving birth to fully-formed live young !

What whales lay eggs?

No whale lay eggs. All whale species are placental mammals and give live birth.

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whale is a mammal so it does not lay egg but give birth.

Do Sei Whales lay eggs?

None of the whale species lay eggs, they all have live birth.

Are beluga whales mammals?

Yes. They do not lay eggs!

Do killer whales lay eggs?

No. Killer whales are placental mammals; they do not lay eggs, but give birth to live young.Killer Whales are mammals. As no mammals- save for the platypus and echidnas- lay eggs, instead performing live childbirth, a Killer Whale does not hatch from an egg.

What are humpback whales called?

Humpback whales are called Humpbacks for short.