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Usually it is better to butcher a beef steer but heifers are okay.

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Q: Do heifers make good cows to butcher?
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Do heifer's make good butchering?

Yes. Heifers can be eaten as well.

How do you control leptospirosis in a herd?

Culling and vaccinating. You better make sure those cows and heifers you are culling out are going to the meat market and not to another cattle producer.

How can you make a sentence with pork butcher?

Have you eaten a pork butcher? Pork butcher can make you fat. Pork butcher is nice to eat.

What roll does the cow play in the environment?

cows play a good part they provide us milk and without cows you can make no ice creams i love cows

Where can I find jobs for a butcher?

First you can start with your local butchers. Make sure you have the training necessary to qualify as a good candidate.

How do you make sentence from butcher?

She saw a butcher when she was walking on her way to home.

Are cows killed for cheese?

No. Cows (being the mature female bovines) are not killed for cheese, they are only killed for meat. Cows need to be alive in order to produce milk which is made into cheese. Only those dairy calves that add no value to the dairy farm (bull calves and freemartin heifers) are sold and fed up to be slaughtered for veal. Rennet is taken from the stomach of these calves and used to make cheese.

How big can butcher knives get?

Butcher knives can be as large as a person wants to make them.

What inference can you make about what cows eat?

Since cows are grazers and eat mostly grasses and legumes, they are herbivores. That's as good an inference about what cows eat as anyone would be able to come up with.

How many cows do you need to have to make a good living?

At least 1000 cows for a beef cow-calf operation, and over 200 for a dairy operation.

Does sex of calve make any difference to gestation period of a cow?

No I don't think so. The sex of a calf can often determine how hard it is going to be to give birth: bull calves often give heifers and some cows more trouble than heifer calves.

How do cows make food?

Cows actually do not make food. Humans are responsible for that sector of the economy.