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nope. hamsters dont usually have diseases. it is very rare for hamsters to have any kind of disease. wet tail is one disease that happens often. wet tail is a disease that makes a hamster sick. hamsters usually get wet tail when they are cramped in a cage or in a pet store with a lot of other hamsters. when a hamster has wet tail the hamster's butt gets wet and also part of the tip of the tail. if your hamster is having babies, careful because the babies can get the disease from genetics. but hamsters dont get the disease a lot, its very rare for hamsters to get a disease!

>Edit> Actually, it's fairly common. It's usually just a cold, but they do, in fact, get diseases. On rare occasions, they can even carry diseases such as Salmonella, if they come from an unhealthy breeder. As they get older they also become more susceptible to disease. If you want to prevent diseases, you should try not to stress them out, because it lowers their immune system. Any of the varieties of Campbell's Dwarf Hamsters are also more prone to cancer. One of my hamsters actually died of cancer. Heres more info:

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Q: Do hamster have diseases
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What can a hamster become sick from?

A hamster can get sick by many hamster-only diseases. They can also get sick of many human diseases. Some of these include the common cold, a flu, and many more. Although, the disease is much stronger and dangerous fr a hamster than it is for a human. In the related links, there is a link to a page about many diseases a hamster can receive.

Will you die from a hamster bite?

If it's a domestic or pet hamster, it's fine. You don't have to worry. But if you get bitten by a wild hamster, go to your doctor. You don't know what diseases this wild hamster might have.

Do hamsters have hamsters have diseases that make their butt bleed?

yes not sure what it is called but it means your hamster it going to die

If your hamster bites you and draws blood and it is old will it die?

no, this does not mean that your hamster will die soon. However, if you have a dwarf hamster, the life expectancy is only about 11/2 - 2 years. A regular hamster lives about five years. But if you are bitten, you should watch out for sign of a flu-like disease or an infection in or on the bitten are. Many hamsters carry diseases that can be easily transferred to human so always keep bites clean and wash your hands immediately after holding your hamster.

What are the diseases of hamsters?

some causes of hamster death are... improper handling of hamsters like dropping the hamster from a height which causes internal bleeding and shock and finally death, wet tail, diarrhea, cancers ( includes chewing on metal bars.http://www.hamsterific./CageBarChewing.cfm gives you details), tumors, flu, cold,pneumonia, Respiratory Infection, and sickness related to age. that's all i know.hopes this helps!

Do red eye hamsters have diseases?

If you acquired your hamster from a reputable breeder or a pet store, you'll be fine. If your hamster bites you or draws blood, treat it with antiseptic and bandage it. If you are not sure your hamster is from a safe, trustworthy place, vaccinate it.

What diseases can you get from a hamster biting a human?

If your hamster has very yellow teeth, your finger or any body part could get infected. You may get a little sick after if you realize your hamster doesn't look healthy, etc. If it is a wild hamster, you may get sick, and you may get some type of disease since they live in the wild. You probably won't die from the disease you might catch, but you never know. Always put on rubbing alchohol to clean the wound or the bite might get infected.

What are all the specis of hamsters?

There are five common species of hamsters kept as pets: Syrian hamster, Dwarf Campbell Russian hamster, Dwarf Winter White Russian hamster, Chinese hamster, and Roborovski hamster. Each species has its own unique characteristics and care requirements.

Are hamster harmful to newborns?

Not at all. It's very unlikely for it to happen If you keep cages or hamsters clean, everything will be alright! animal feces sometimes have diseases, so watch out for that!

What is a hamster pulse?

A hamster pulse is the pulse of a hamster.

How do you say hamster in German?

Hamster(der) Hamster

What kinda hamster do you have?

i don't have a hamster but when i get 1 it will be a Syrian hamster.