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I strongly recommend NOT to feed rabbits and guinea pigs citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines, etc.

These fruits will give the rabbit/guinea pig diarrhea.

If you still want to give them mandarins, please give it in tiny amounts!


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What do guinea pigs and rabbits eat?

fruit veggies and hay

Can guinea pigs eat CareFRESH food for rabbits?

Guinea pigs can not eat rabbit food. Just go to a local pet store but don't give a guinea pig food that is also used for rabbits because they have different diets

What is the difference between baby rabbits and baby guinea pigs when they are born?

Baby Rabbits are born naked and without open eyes.But,baby Guinea Pigs are more developed,they have fur on their body and are born with open eyes. Baby Guinea Pigs can stand on its own feet just after a minute unlike rabbits.Also,baby Guinea Pigs can eat some foods that adult Guinea pigs eat.But,rabbit babies are fully depended on their mother for food.

Can guinea pigs eat jelly?

As an occasional treat, using yogurt drops meant for rabbits should be fine, however you must keep in mind, that guinea pigs require a different diet than rabbits, and you should if able, purchase drops for guinea pigs.

Do guinea pigs eat maggots?

No, guinea pigs tend to stick to fruits and vegetables.

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How big do rabbits And guinea pigs can get?

Rabbits can range in size from 2 to 20 pounds, with smaller breeds like Netherland Dwarfs being around 2 pounds and larger breeds like Flemish Giants reaching around 20 pounds. Guinea pigs typically range in size from 1 to 3 pounds, with variations based on breed and genetics. Both rabbits and guinea pigs can have individual size differences within their breed standards.

What do American guinea pigs eat?

All breeds of guinea pigs eat the same thing.

Will daddy guinea pigs eat their young?

no guinea pigs do not eat their young.

Can guinea pigs it ledduce?

Yeah. guinea pigs can eat lettuce (:

Do they eat Guinea pigs in Equatorial Guinea?

No. Also, there aren't any guinea pigs in Equatorial Guinea.

Can guinea pigs eat calliflower?

No, guinea pigs shouldn't eat gassy foods such as cauliflower and broccoli.