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Guinea pigs usually live 4-6 years, but can live up to nine. My previous guinea pig did live eight years.

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Q: Do guinea pigs live for 8 years?
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How old are guinea pigs?

guinea pigs can live up to 8 years old i should know i have had like 8 guinea pigs!

What age to guinea pigs die?

Average life expectancy of a guinea pig is 4-8 years.

How long do pigs usally live?

guinea pigs usually live for about 8 years, sometimes 10

When do guinea pigs live for?

4 to 8 years, but sometimes they can live to be 9!

How many years do guinea pigs live for?

if there cared for well then its 7-8 years.

How long have people kept guinea pigs as pets?

I had my guinea pig for six years she died 6 days after the new yea.r guinea pigs can live to 1-8 years .

How long can you breed a guinea pig?

Well, guinea pigs live up to 5-8 years

How many years do guinea pigs live for more then hamsters?

The average lifespan for a guinea pig is 5 to 7 years.

Can guinea pigs live to 15?

While it is possible for guinea pigs to live up to 8 years, it would be considered quite rare for them to reach an age of 15. Guinea pigs typically have a lifespan of around 5 to 7 years, but with proper care, some may live slightly longer.

How long can a healthy and safe guinea pig live for?

guinea pigs live 4 to 7 years, if your guinea pig is healthy and safe it can live up to 8 or even 9 years!

Who longer guinea pigs or hamsters?

If you mean who lives longer it would be guinea pigs. They live 4-8 years on average while hamsters generally only live 2-3 years.

How long do big guinea pigs live to?

i think it might be 4-8 years