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Guinea pigs will get scared if you pick them up the wrong way. They will also be scared if it is their first few times that they are picked up. If a Guinea pig is scared it will make a high-pitched squeak meaning that it is in pain. If this is what your Guinea pig does when you pick it up put it down immediately. To make sure that the Guinea pig is felling safe and secure follow theses steps. You may have to practice before you and your Guinea pig are comfortable. If so practice daily so your Guinea pig can get used to the method. 1. Slide your left hand under the Guinea pigs tummy. 2. Gently push your right hand on its rear (Its back end, not its bum). 3. Lift up the Guinea pig slowly while providing support under his back end. Your left hand should still be on its tummy. 4. Rotate the Guinea pig so its tummy is facing your chest. (This part is tricky and takes practice. Make sure you put your Guinea pig down if it squeaks.) 5. Slide your left hand out from under the Guinea pig and let it rest on your chest. 6. Always keep your right hand under its rear for support. You may rest your left hand gently on its back and stroke it. Sometimes, as with my Guinea pig, the Guinea pig will rush up and snuggle under your chin. They do this because it makes them feel safe. If so, I recommend for you to wear a shirt with a high collar or a jumper because Guinea pigs claws can be a bit sharp sometimes. Follow my advice and you'll be snuggling away in no time!

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15y ago
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15y ago
OK to let it feel safe pick up around stoumach area and put towl also
myt help to establish some sort of routine so it knows whats about to happen, for eg. every day when you get home bring it a fresh cabbage leaf or grass or somethng (i use to bring it in a plastic bag and they associated the crinkling of the packet with nice food) hold the food in your hand while it eats it. while its eating speak to it quietly and if it allow stroke it gently on the back. then pick it up and hold it. Im not sure if it will help but you could also leave a cloth or teddy with your smell on it so it gets use to your smell in a non stressfull context

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13y ago

Use two hands and pick it up gently but firmly, supporting its body. Try to have its feet resting on your hands so it doesn't just float, that way it feels safe. Hold it near your chest or on your arm. Do not carry it in mid-air because then they may be scared and wiggle and you may drop the pig. Do not be surprised if it starts to nibble are claw you. Also try to put it near your heart because then it can hear your heartbeat and will feel a little more relaxed.

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13y ago

First pet it for a few minutes... this makes it comfortable with you. Then gently grab on one side from under the belly, and scoop up the pig. Then rest it on your chest.

hope i helped

any further questions just ask


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13y ago

you should first let it get use to you and family members then when it starts to turst begin to work with to pick it up if he doest want to then keep trying he'll enventually get use to it

Hamsters make lousy pets, usually they just bite you to get away, and that never changes. Dumbo Rats are the best (rodent) pet. They are smart, and love being held and carried around in sweat shirt pockets.

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13y ago

If it's a new guinea pig, pick him up as much as possible, so he gets used to it. I once knew a guinea pig that was never socialized with, and he was afraid of everything that moved. If it is an older guinea pig, and he isn't friendly, then he will hate being picked up.

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13y ago

You should pick the guinea pig up on a regular basis, making it used to being handled. Make sure to be careful with him/her and pick it up from the behind.

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12y ago

All you do is you gently put one hand under her/his chest and the other under its bum !

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13y ago

You have to be very nice to them. You must pet them and take good care of them. Be SLOW when approcahing them or you will scare them. They will shake(sort of shiver) that means there scared!

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4y ago

do not pick them up as soon as you get them I work at a animal rescue and that is what we tell everyone DO NOT pick thm up as soon as you get them

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Q: Do guinea pigs get scared when you pick them up?
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Do guinea pigs pick up parasites?

Yes they can.

What to do when guinea pigs are born?

leave them for a couple of hours then put your hand in, and if the mother guinea pig don't object, pick one up and stroke it, when it is born , you have got to leave them to spend some time to get used to there surroundings and to feed off there mother. if you pick them up strait away, you'll scare them, and at that age, the last thing you would want, is guinea pigs born a scared out of its wits, leave it for a couple of hours, and it won't be so scared, and you'll less likely to have a mother that rejects its babies.Don't get to close to the birthing guinea pig. If you do, then the birth cycle may stop. During labor, watch the guinea pig.

Can you train your guinea pigs not to scared to you?

Just spending time with them and getting them used to different situations will help. Guinea pigs are naturally afraid of most things, especially surprises. When you pick him up, let him know that you're there - don't sneak up on him. Cuddle him, have others cuddle him, etc. He will be a socialized pig in no time, mine took awhile to get used to me. :)

What do you do if dried poop is on your guinea pigs foot?

Either leave it, it should come off in the sawdust or wood shavings, whatever is in your guinea-pig's cage, or, you can pick up the guinea-pig and flick it or pick it off.

What are guinea pigs afraiad of?

Guinea pigs are scared of loud noises unles they are used to them. if you do not take out and hold or play with your guinea pig ATLEAST 5 times a week they will be scared of everything. they like to feel nice and secure so when you take them out for the 1st couple time wrap them up in a towel so they feel nice and secure!

When adult guinea pigs have baby guinea pigs do you touch them straight away?

No, you should not touch them right away. Wait for a few days (a week or so) and let them get use to their cage and their parents. Then pick them up.

Why are mites on your guinea pigs eyes?

Guinea pigs can get mites for several reasons, they may pick it up from another animal or they may just be living in an environment that needs to be clean. If your guinea pig has mites take it to a vet or call one IMMEDIATELY.

Why do guinea pigs run up to your neck?

The guinea pig is looking for a place to "perch" Somewhere relatively safe to sit and observe what is going on around it.

Why do guinnea pigs run into the corner of their cage when you pick them up?

They just do that because they are scared of your hands coming at them... if you dont want them to run to the corner just come carefully and pet them before you pick them up and comfort it so it doesnt get scared :)

How old are guinea pigs?

guinea pigs can live up to 8 years old i should know i have had like 8 guinea pigs!

How large do guinea pigs grow?

Guinea pigs can grow up to 1200 grams

If you hold a guinea pig up by its tail will its eyes pop out?

The anser to your question is no, Guinea pigs dont have tails so it is impossible to pick them up by them. The origin of this question comes from a older movie.