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guinea pigs are not nocturnal, but they only sleep for 5 hours. they will be awake for a few hours while you sleep but will stay extremely still as they are in the dark. they don't move about much and cause calamity though. it is more than alright to keep one in your room at night. there should be no worries.

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13y ago

Well, from what I've herd, yes. They make small noises, but probably almost imposable to hear at night.

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What does it mean when a guinea pig makes a noise when you pick it up?

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Which makes more noise a guinea pig or a hamster?

A Ginnie pig makes SO much more noise than a hamster. Get a hamster they dont make a lot of noise and their so cuddley and cute!

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This can mean that the guinea pig was frightened from something loud, like a dog bark or telephone ring.

What does a purring noise mean in a guinea pig language?

This means a guinea pig is experiencing pleasure, enjoyment, or excitement. You will hear this noise when you pet your guinea pig or feeding it a treat. If you hear this noise suddenly when you are not petting your guinea pig it is afraid or it feels threatened. They purr if they hear a loud noise: a telephone ring or a knock on the door.

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well it depends what sound your guinea pigs make if it makes a weak squeaking noise everytime it breathes then you should probably worry because your guinea pig probably has a breathing disease/problem. it is a good time to take your guinea pig to a vet if this happens. [ if your guinea pig just makes a small whistling sound everytime it breathes it's fine ] ;)

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Loud ones. I really want a guinea pig! I hope I get one!

How do you know your guinea pig is happy?

It makes a certain squeaking noise... but i don't know how to make it out... I hoped I helped!

What does it mean when a pregnant Guinea Pig makes the labor noise only 5 or 6 times and then stops?

It means that she will have them i about an hour

Why does your guinea pig hate the light?

It depends on what kind of guinea pig you have. If you have a day time guinea pig then it will actually want light. But you probably have a night time meaning it is active at night then your guinea pig would not like the light.

What does it mean when a guinea pig makes a loud noise?

i believe it does that when its hungry or when it wants you around it so its secure because whenever my guinea oig does that i either feed it or cuddle it

What if your guinea pig doesn't make noise?

maybe because he/she is lonely or it's sick