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No gerbils are originally from dessert places like Mongolia so they naturally conserve water so they don't need to drink much and they don't need to urinate as often as other rodents.

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Q: Do gerbils pee more than hmsters?
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Do gerbils pee more than hamsters?

Depends on the amount of beer each has consumed

Can gerbils pee?

Ha ha ha! Yes Gerbils can pee! Any animal that drinks water, pees. Inless it has an infection, and then it needs a veternarian.

Why do gerbils poop and pee on people?

Gerbils poop because they are looking for a sweaty soft rubberish feeling as a toilet they eat there poop too!

How do gerbils show aggression?

Gerbils are not like dogs they dont pee to mark there territory instead gerbils use there scent gland witch it located right in the center of there tummy they will rub it agaisnt an area to mark there territory:)

Why do you pee more at night and more than you drink?

It is because all the body system is at rest.

Why is the character's name Peeta in The Hunger Games?

Likely because it establishes the pronunciation more clearly than Peter, which is variously pronounced (PEE-tur) or (PEE-tah) or (PEE-tuh).

Does male guinea pig pee stink more than female?

Yes, it does.

How does lager dehydrate a person?

Alcohol is adiuretic. You will pee more than you drink.

Why do gerbils pee when they are hold upside down with their tails?

Their buttocks may be stretch making the gerbil too poop down while held by their tails.

At a drug test for a job will they see if a male uses female pee to pass the test?

yes male pee is much stronger, smarter, and generally more agreable than female pee.

How is a girl a squirter?

A girl is a squirter because they an pee more further than boys.

Why do you go pee before you go to bed?

Usually you do this so you dont pee in the bed. Yet it can be more comfortable than holding it all night. You most likely would pee before you go to bed so that you dont wet the bed. Also it may be more comfortable for you than to hold it all night.