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This depends upon the species.

For example, the fur of Arctic foxes changes colour according to the seasons, while the Red fox has a reddish-brown colour to enable it to camouflage within the undergrowth of its environment.

Generally, there are some adaptations that all fox species display.

1) They have sharp claws that dig their dens. These claws also serve to kill their prey.

2) They have sharp teeth which help them to shred and tear their food, which can be meat or plants since they are omnivores (not carnivores, as is commonly believed).

3) Their long legs, compared to body and head size, are good for running quickly while chasing prey.

4) When being chased the fox will vomit so that it can run faster. By vomiting they empty their stomachs which make them lighter and more agile.

5) They have a very good sense of hearing, smell, and sight, which warns them if danger is coming.

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10y ago
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8y ago

The fennec fox is one of the most sociable of the foxes and often lives in small groups of 10-15 individuals. Typically these groups are extended family. The young stay with their parents for a long time and then may make their own dens nearby. The fennecs prefer to be out at dawn, dusk and night, making them crepuscular and nocturnal. The huge ears and light colored fur effectively radiate excess body heat, while the small, pointed nose limits the amount of amount loss. Their fur also gives them excellent camouflage in the sand. The fennec is active, agile and very fast over short distances. They can jump about two feet straight up from a standing position and can make a horizontal leap of four feet.
They have large ears so they can hear prey from far away, close up, and even underground.

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15y ago

Foxes are adapted to their habitat becasue they have shrp cainine teeth, and have a very good sense of smell. As they tend to route around in bins for left-overs. xxx :) xx

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12y ago

Foxes have excellent hearing which allows them to protect theirselves from their predators.

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11y ago


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4y ago

They are cute so when a predator comes along they don't eat it because it's so cute.

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