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Well, they can be house broken but a sensible option would be to keep them in a cage because your house could be dangerous for them to explore without supervision.

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Q: Do finger monkeys need to be kept in a cage or can they be house broken like a cat?
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What type of cage do finger monkeys need?

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What type of cage do finger monkeys live in?

a small one.

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it means put them in a cage

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My butterfly got loose from its cage it has a broken wing and cannot fly well Where would a butterfly want to be in a house?

you put it in a cage then it wouldn't fly away next you put it in somehwere light and somewhere where it will seem to be like it's natural environment

You can get your budgie to get on your finger but he always jumps of if you try to get him out of his cage what should you do?

this is my suggestion now i know a few things about animals and this can easily be fixed... if you want your budgie to stay on your finger will getting him out of his cage is to... 1. you can try to show food to him when he is i his cage then when he can see the food place it on/near you finger... he then goes for the food and you then award him. 2. if he goes on your finger but he doesn't stay try to award him with treats when he does land on your finger, doing this will give him an idea of how to get his favorite treats if he only does what you want. Emilee D-L this is my suggestion now i know a few things about animals and this can easily be fixed... if you want your budgie to stay on your finger will getting him out of his cage is to... 1. you can try to show food to him when he is i his cage then when he can see the food place it on/near you finger... he then goes for the food and you then award him. 2. if he goes on your finger but he doesn't stay try to award him with treats when he does land on your finger, doing this will give him an idea of how to get his favorite treats if he only does what you want. Emilee D-L

Does a rabbit eat meat?

I don't know stick your finger in the cage and find out