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i think they nip a little bit more and are frightend of your hand.

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Q: Do female dwarf hamsters bite when they are pregnant?
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Do dwarf hamsters eat melon?

Yes, but be careful they bite.

Do female teddy bear hamsters fight when ther are in heat?

I know dwarf hamsters do fight when they are in heat.My kids got hamsters for Christmas last year my sons would try to bite him every time he would put his hand in the cage, She wound up being pregnant. After she had babies we kept them in the same cage after so long they to started to fight so we thought !being She ended up pregnant AGAIN!!!!

Is there a difference between Russian dwarf hamsters and Siberian dwarf hamsters?

They are both the same thing russian and siberian but there is a difference between russian hamsters and regular hamsters most of the time russian hamsters tend to bite more. hope that helped:)

When female hamsters are pregnant do they get cranky?

They can be at times. My sister's hamster got really cranky when she got pregnant, she would bite more, demand more food, stuff like that.

Do female hamsters bite a lot?

Female hamsters are usually more grumpy than males, but that doesn't mean female hamsters are worse pets than males!

What is hamster behavior?

Well it depends... i have noticed that regular sized hamsters are meaner then the dwarf hamsters.... but any hamster will bite if it has babies... but i have two Campbell Russian dwarf hamsters and they are very cute! mine has never bit me!

Do male dwarf hamsters bite?

sometimes, but all hamsters do. its not very hard at all. it just feels like a little pintch.

Do dwarf hamsters bite?

Answer 1YES!!! I have one and he bites me everytime i pick him up. Answer 2They tend to bite quite a bit compared to other breeds of hamsters. Russian Dwarf Hamsters in particular Answer 3They do bite but they only do it because they are scared and if your woried it might hurt well don't it doesn't hurt at all its like a little pinch

Are teddy hamsters easier to pick up than other hamsters?

Teddy/Plush hamsters are easier to pick up than live hamsters. Live hamsters move and may bite unlike teddies that stay still. . Syrian Hamsters (sometimes called TeddyBear Hamsters at Petstores) move slower than dwarf hamsters so they usually are easier to pick up. Also, they usually are less likely to bite, but they aren't too different from dwarf hamsters.

What do teddy bear hamsters do when pregnant?

get chubby and lazy ! and they bite your finger .

Do white mice make better pets than Dwarf Hamsters?

Dwarf hamsters are really mean and like to bite but mice usually dont if theyre from a pet store. trust me...i would know...