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yes if they didn't they would explode with blockage of urine and die.

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Q: Do female cats have an opening for peeing?
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How do you stop neighboring cats peeing inside your house without scaring away or preventing your own cats access?

shoot it with a gun

Will female cats mate with other female cats?


Do Female cats shed more then male cats?

yes female cats shed more then male cats

What was the opening date of cats the musical?

The opening date for Cats in London was May 11, 1981 and the opening date for the show in New York Was October 7,1982.

What are big female cats called?

Female cats are called a Queen, male cats are called a Tom.

How do tom cats pee backwards?

Male cats, including tomcats, have a unique anatomy that allows them to spray urine backwards by arching their back and tail. This behavior is primarily used for marking territory and communicating with other cats through scent. The position of their urinary opening, along with strong abdominal muscles, enables them to direct their urine in a backward stream.

How long doe cats female cats dispear for?

Well, for my conser i think female cats will disaper for ever

Size of windows opening?


Why are Tom Cats are still after your spayed female cat?

Tom cats may still be attracted to spayed female cats because they may still emit pheromones that attract males. Additionally, the behavior of tom cats is influenced by instinct and territory marking, so they may still try to pursue and mate with a female cat even if she is spayed. Keeping your female cat indoors and providing a safe and secure environment can help prevent encounters with tom cats.

Do you have to spay the male and female cat as well?

Male cats are neutered and female cats are spayed.

How can you stop your cat peeing on your bed?

Try closing your door to your room and then the cats will not go in your room and then the cats will go in the litter box and if not then probobly the litter boxes are not clean.

Why does cats have balls?

Male cats have testicles (also known as "balls") for producing sperm and testosterone. These are important for reproduction and the development of secondary sexual characteristics.