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Polar bear cubs have nothing to do with their dad. They stay with their mother until they're old enough to manage on their own.

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7y ago
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13y ago

No. The males leave after mating, and sometimes will kill an unguarded cub.

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13y ago

No. The father bear quite oftens kills and eats the cubs. The mother bear will get quite fierce in driving poppa bear away.

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7y ago

Only a female and her cubs will live together.

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11y ago

because they want

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15y ago

Males will sometimes kill and eat cubs.

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Q: Do father bears live with their cubs?
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With whom does the polar bear live with both parents or one?

Polar Bears live with the mother for approximately 2 years. The father leaves the mother and cubs before the cubs are born. And sometimes the male may even eat any of any bears cubs if he is hungry and if he can find them. So to answer your question, the cubs only live and know about their mother.

Do bears live alone?

unless they have cubs, bears live alone. so the answer to your question is yes.

Do polar bears live individually?

Some of polar bears live individually and some live in groups

Do they call a group of bears a den?

No. A den is where they live and bears don't live in groups. They only seek out other bears for mates. Otherwise they live alone unless they are a mother and her cubs.

Do polar bears live in packs?

No, not usually but they only go in groups when the whole family is with the cubs

Do polar bears give birth or lay eggs?

Bears give birth to baby 'cubs' usually 1, 2 or 3 cubs to a litter.

How do Kermode bears adapt?

the mother gives there cubs milkwhile the father goes hunting for fish

Do grizzly bears live in herds?

No, they are solitary unless the bear is a mother with cubs.

Do polar bears live in a hole?

They tunnel into the snow.there cubs are born in the warmth of the snow

Do polar bears go around in big groups?

No polar bears son't go around in groups. The cubs go around with their mother, and the father leaves them

What do polar bears like in their home?

Polar bears usually like seals, their cubs, and their ice. The ice keeps the polar bears cold, because polar bears live in an environment where they are surrounded by ice. Their cubs because they have to feed their cubs daily, and their cubs have to stay warm, because they are young, and they have to be fed. The seals because seal is what polar bears eat. Seal contains all the nourishment that a polar bear needs to survive in its habitat.

How many cubs do bears have?

bears usually have one or two cubs during spring