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Q: Do elk eat dandy lions
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Do lions eat elk?


What actors and actresses appeared in Dandy Lions - 1921?

The cast of Dandy Lions - 1921 includes: The Century Lions

What animal do the Elk interact with?

Mountain lions, wolves and the occasional bear all eat elk. Man also preys on elk.

What do mountains lions eat?

Mountain lions are obligate carnivores and do not eat plants.

Do mountain lions eat mountain lions?

All animals eat, so the mountain lion does! It eats deer, elk, and even hares and birds.It stalks its prey until it leaps or sprints.

What is the cougar's diet?

Cougars, also known as mountain lions, like to eat ELK and DEER. They only ever eat humans if they are starving, which isn't common.

What kinds of food do the Tsimshian eat?

they eat deer, Elk, bear, sea lions, seals, sea otters, salmon, Halibut, and Shellfish to accompany food.

What food did the indians eat in the northwest?

cod salmon bear dear berries sheep killerwhales elk sea lions and burritos

What other animals eat an elk?

Other animals that eat elk include wolves, mountain lions (cougars), grizzly bears, black bears, and coyotes. Additionally, scavengers like bald eagles and ravens may feed on elk carcasses.

What did did the pomo Indians eat?

berries, rabbits,ants,grasses, deer, bird, clam, fish, elk/moose, sea lions/seal, roots

Were does the elk?

well, you cant answer this question because there is no end. other related questions are where do elk live what are elk were does the elk eat what does it eat ETC.

What actors and actresses appeared in Les lions - 1928?

The cast of Les lions - 1928 includes: Raymond Dandy Jean Gabin