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Q: Do elephants live in the deciduous forest?
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Does a giraffe live in the deciduous forest?

black rhinoceros do not live in deciduous forest

Do wolves live in the deciduous forest?

No they prefer wide open places

What are some of the biotics in a deciduous forest?

Some biotics in the deciduous forest are the animals that live there

Who discovered deciduous forest?

Well the deciduous forest is where we live as so its basically found by people or explorers

What is the deers biome?

They live in the Temperate Deciduous Forest.

Do fox live in a deciduous forest or coniferous forest?


Do porcupines live in the Deciduous Forest?

Yes. The deciduous forest is just one of numerous habitats in which the porcupine lives.

Do tigers live in the deciduous forest?

yes they do

Can an owl live in a deciduous forest?

Yes, the can

Do bugs live in a deciduous forest?

well no

Do animals live in the deciduous forest?


Do humans live in the deciduous forest?
