Yes. Mai Pai Paa Bamboo shoots, seedlings and leaves are the favorite food for elephants.
Mai Sang Leaves, bamboo shoots and seedlings can be eaten. This is the type of bamboo the elephants like the most.
Mai Phak It is the biggest leaf of bamboo. Seedlings, bamboo shoots and leaves can be edible.
It depends on the season and the elephant's location. An elephant living in a dry, desert location will mostly eat shrubs as about 75% of their diet. The elephants that reside in the forests of Asia will eat more bamboo than those that live in the desert. The average elephant will eat bamboo, as elephants eat a wide variety of plants.
Elephants eat Coconut and Palm leaves. They also eat a lot of bamboo.
African Elephants are herbivores. Their diet includes plants and their by-products. They eat grass, leaves, bamboo, roots, fruits, flowers etc. Anything and everything that can be found in trees and plants in the forests are consumed by the elephants.
No, they do not. Elephants and every other mammal on the planet needs to be weaned in order to survive. Elephants eat plant matter such as bamboo and fruits after they are weaned.
Animals that eat Bengal bamboo include elephants, deer, and certain species of rodents like porcupines. These animals feed on the leaves, shoots, and bark of the bamboo plant for nutrition.
Elephants do not eat giraffes because elephants do not eat meat. Elephants are herbivores.
Pandas love to eat bamboo.
Pandas love to eat bamboo.
Pandas love to eat bamboo.
Termites do eat Bamboo
they eat green bamboo
I think they can eat bamboo.
Bamboo is their food, that is what they eat.