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The dusky dolphin has some eating habits that may surprise you. In addition to squid and various types of fish, they also consume anything that gets close to the water. That includes birds, cats and dogs, and even tomatoes. They also consume anchiovies and octopus.

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They eat anchovies cephalopods, squid and cuttlefish

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How many dusky dolphins are there left in the world?


What is the dusky dolphins scientific name?

Lagenorhynchus obscurus

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That's a matter of opinion, mine is the bottlenose.

Do bottle nosed dolphins eat algae?

Yes, it accounts for 36% of their Summer diet.

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What are the name of the dolphins that live in New Zealand waters?

Dusky Dolphins, Hector's Dolphins, Maui's Dolphins, Bottlenose Dolphins, Common Dolphin, Pantropical Spotted Dolphin.

In what habitat does dusky dolphins live?

The dusky dolphin lives in the Southern Hemisphere, South America, South Africa, and New Zealand.

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