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Q: Do dolphins have moral thoughts
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What is a moral people?

People can't be moral, there deeds, there thoughts and actions can be moral. Moral is a relative term. Say for an employer for cutting cost cutting not salaries but extra allowance seems moral to him. While employees may consider it has moral or immoral depending on there thoughts and views on particular thing. But to answer your question in one sentence - The person who always think of others first and good (without and bias) for other is a moral person.

What was the rules on the Island of the Blue Dolphins?

On the Island of the Blue Dolphins, Karana had to fend for herself and survive alone. She had to hunt for food, build shelter, and defend herself from wild animals. She also followed her cultural traditions and beliefs, such as respecting the spirits of her ancestors.

What does moral statement mean?

statements about the persons thoughts and personality eg: if they say murder is wrong they mean they disagree with it and have reasons for it

What does the word conscience mean french?

Motivation deriving logically from ethical or moral principles that govern a person's thoughts and actions

What goes into setting up a moral system?

Commitment and being able to withhold your thoughts or opinions into your beliefs. Basically, don't give in.

Who said All thoughts all passions all delights Whatever stirs this moral frame?

Samuel Coleridge (Romantic Poet)

What is a good topic sentence for moral?

"Morality is the foundational principle guiding individuals' thoughts, actions, and decisions in navigating the complexities of right versus wrong."

Is conscience a noun or verb?

The word 'conscience' is a noun; a word for the knowledge of right and wrong, the ethical and moral principles that control or inhibit our actions or thoughts; a word for a thing.

Are dolphins going extinct?

only one species of dolphins at this time that are going extinct are the pink river dolpinsHector's dolphins (New Zealand dolphins) are also in danger of becoming extinct. The endangered river dolphins are Amazon River dolphins, Ganges River dolphins, Chinese White dolphins, Indus River dolphins, and La Plata River dolphins.

Are Dolphins vertebrates or invertebrates?

Dolphins are vertebrates.

Are dolphins extinct?

No, but some species of dolphins are endangered, like the Indus River dolphins and the Yangtzee River dolphins. The pink Amazon River dolphins and the Ganges River dolphins are classed as

What three things did Buddha understand after he was enlightened?

The three things that Buddha understood after he was enlightened were:To lead a moral life,To be mindful and aware of thoughts and action,To develop wisdom and understanding.