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They are both wonderful pets and it depends on the individuals taste. Both pets are loving, cats can learn tricks too, but if you want a buddy to go jogging with you or protection for yourself and your home then a dog is the best. I own two small dogs and a cat named Molly. From the time she was a kitten I trained her to come in the car and my husband made a stand between the seats of his truck with carpeting on it so the cat could come for truck rides or camping. Molly goes fishing along with the dogs and my husband and I and enjoys the coastline of B.C. (walking on a harness on the sand as bold as brass.) LOL The dogs protect her and she protects the dogs. Get both! WOW is this the same person who wrote the answer to which are better cats or dogs? Well anyway she's right!And by the way I'm the same person who wrote the second answer to which is better cats or dogs. So if you haven't checked that out yet do it mon! And yes I'm a girl.

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12y ago

Depends on the household but some breeds of dogs are more outgoing than breeds of cats.

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Q: Do dogs make better pets than cats?
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Yes, Ozzy Osbourne has pets: several dogs and cats.

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In statistics, dogs are found to be more popular as pets compared to cats. However, the suitability of a pet depends on individual preferences and lifestyle. Some people may find cats better suited as pets due to their low maintenance nature and independence.

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