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By outrunnig there enimes

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Q: Do dholes attack people
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Related questions

Do people hunt dholes for their fur?

Yes people do and they also hunt them for their meat and teeth.

Are Dholes fond in madagscar?

No. Dholes are Asian animals.

Do dholes eat eagles?

Dholes don't prey on eagles.

Do humans use Dholes for anything?

they use dholes poo for soil

Do dholes live in the rainforest?

Yes, some dholes do inhabit the rainforests of southeast Asia.

Are there dholes in ameraca?


What can you do to dholes?


Do dholes have predators?

Bengal tigers, leopards, pythons, and crocodiles prey on dholes.

How are dholes being saved?

many sanctuaries and national parks are being set up to save dholes

What are dholes' enemies?

Bengal tigers and leopards have killed and ate dholes over disputes of carrion. Reticulated pythons also are dangers for dholes. Mugger crocodiles and saltwater crocodiles eat them in water.

What can you do to save Dholes?


Are there dholes in America?

no yes