Whilest primarily solitary animals the coyote or Cannius Coyotillian has been known to band together in small groups (known as Forceps) for the purposes of hunting large prey such as wildebeest or armadillos. The Forcep is usually dominated by one alpha male refered to by Cyotologists as the Protodog, which decides what animal should be hunted on a specific day. Below the Protodog is the Alpha Female, she has a supporting role within the Forcep, generally being in charge of keep things tidy in the den and making the dinner.
they live alone and hunt alone, haven't you seen nemo!?
they live alone.
Coyotes generally prefer the solitary life but will occasionally form loose groups for convenience, to make taking larger prey items easier. They are not a strict social group as found in the wolf pack, however.
no they do not live in groups
they live alone
They live alone!
They live in small groups
They live in groups, called herds.
Manatees live alone, in groups, or in pairs. It all depends on the indiviual manatee and how it chooses to live.
Cows, calves and yearlings live in loose herds or groups. Bulls on the other hand, live in bachelor groups or alone.