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If a dogs ears smell, they could have an ear infection. It's recommended to take them to a Veteranarian.

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Q: Do cocker spaniels ears smell
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Why do cocker spaniels rub their ears into poop?

Long ears help a dog "keep" the smell with him in order not to forget it.

Are cocker spaniels non odurless?

No, the Cocker Spaniel (American variety) is known to have a distinguishing odor from its skin and ears.

What causes yeast buildup in cocker spaniels ears?

Probably when you get water into their earhole while bathing them

Which breeds of dog have pendant ears?

they are the spaniels (cocker spaniel, springer spaniel etc.) and the basset hound

How bad do cocker spaniels stink?

They can get dirty just like we do. Cocker Spaniels are known for ear problems, so be sure the ears look healthy inside and smell good. If they are red or stink, then take your Cocker in to see your Veterinarian to check out the ears. A good grooming on a regular basis will help with any body odor. Also your pet could have impacted anal glands. A good groomer will know how to properly brush out, clip, clean out ears, trim nails and express anal glands or your could learn to do it all yourself. Don't forget about checking the insides of the ears.

Are Cocker Spaniels popular?

Yes, Cocker Spaniels are a fairly popular breed with pet owners.

Do Cocker Spaniels like Cats?

I don't know about all cocker spaniels but mine loves cats

Cute dog names for cocker spaniels?

if its a girl, Madi, that is my cocker spaniels name and it fits her perfect!

If you have English cocker spaniels and the somewhat cuter American cocker spaniels The spaniel part probably comes from the Spanish dogs they were bred from But what does cocker mean?

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Do cocker spaniels mate?


Do American cocker spaniels have webbed feet?

No, Spaniels are dogs.

What is some information about cocker spaniels?

A cocker spaniel is a type of dog breed. Cocker spaniels have very long ears. Their eyes kind of hang down a little bit. That is what causes them to et a cherry eye. A cherry eye is something that comes out of a dogs eye. If that happens then your dog will have to get surgery. Now, you might be thinking why would I get a dog that needs to get surgery. Cocker spaniels are very smart and sre very easy to train.