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Chinchillas originate come from the Andes Mountains of South America. Nowadays, they are rarely found in their natural habitat apart from Northern Chile. Humans hunted chinchillas almost to extinction, both short-tailed and long-tailed, for their thick, valuable fur. These days, it is considered a protected animal, and due to this fact their population started to grow considerably.

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11y ago
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13y ago

chinchillas do 'spray' , skunks do also. whoever told you they spray are very educated about chinchillas because the females however do. sometimes even the males~

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12y ago

Females do a lot, but males don't. I would recommend a male because they are less moody than females.

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Q: Do chinchillas spray you with urine?
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* * * * They also spray urine.

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Spray dog urine around the property.

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They usually spray urine, because it effectively carries their scent.

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For female cats what is in that spray they spray?

A female cat, just like a male cat, can and will spray when on heat, or feel their territory is being threatened. They spray very strong-smelling urine to communicate with other cats in the area.