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Q: Do chihuahuas die if not purely bred?
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How do chihuahuas hunt?

Chihuahuas are bred to hunt rodents. And they will dig to get them. They are rodent hunting ninjas.

Is the Chihuahua from Mexico?

Chihuahuas were originally bred in Mexico.

Where does chihuahua?

They were original bred in Mexico, (Chihuahua means, "small dog" in Mexican). I hope I helped!

What two animals were bred to make the Redbone Coonhound?

The Redbone Coonhound is believed to have been developed by crossing Bloodhounds with Foxhounds to produce a versatile hunting dog with a keen nose and strong tracking abilities.

What two animals were bred to make the redbone-coonhound?

Chihuahuas and red nose pitbull

What two animals were bred to make Redbone Coonhound?

Chihuahuas and red nose pitbull

Why can't chihuahuas grow big like boxers?

Chi's were bred to be small and boxer's were bred to be bigger. All dogs were bred for specific reasons. Chi's weren't bred to be guard dogs, or hunting dogs...they were bred as companion dogs...which means they were bred to sit on ones lap and be loved.

What does a chihuahuas?

if it doesn't eat it will die.

Can you breed chihuahuas on Nintendogs?

No, Nintendogs remain as puppies, so they cannot be bred. The same applies to any other breed.

Can chihuahuas die from eating mold?

It may die from eating mold.

Do chihuahua really come from Mexico?

yes,chihuahuas r basically from chihuahua,maexico! chihuahuas were originally bred in that area (chihuahua) You are wrong i have two pet chihuahuas and they were originaated from Mexico in a town 20 km away from chihuahua um,a no! u r wrong,chihuahuas were bred in Mexico in the first place! but of course they spread to different areas! no duh! but they are FROM chihuahua Mexico,but just like all other dog breeds,they spread to different areas! i got my chihuahua,Bella,from florence Kentucky,but of corse chihuahuas didnt originate from there! sry,but no duh! how stupid r u??? (im the person who first answered this q) sincerely,Abby(=^-^=)

Why are chihuahuas so small?

Chihuahuas are small because they chase rats and mice in the house!!!!!:]>3 EDIT: Chihuahuas and other small breeds have a gene in their brains that is actually more of a genetic sequence. It is located next to something like (or is) the pituitary gland. One or more mutations in this suppresses it, not producing as much of the hormone that tells you to grow; preventing Labrador-sized Chihuahuas. This, and that Chihuahuas were bred to be small. (Rottweilers also have this sequence, but other genetic factors likely make them large)