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yes fish do have salvia, infact they tend to salavate alot. The mojority of merk in the fish tank is salvia.

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Yes, they do.

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yes i learned the hard way

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Q: Do cats have saliva
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Do cat's spit contain vernom?

No, cats do not have venom in their saliva. Cats may spit or hiss as a defensive behavior, but their saliva does not contain venom like some venomous animals.

Do cats taste the chemical in their saliva that helps them get clean?


How do cats lick their feet and not get sick?

A cat's saliva is anti-disinfectant, therefore not letting bacterium make them sick. Cats lick their bodies for cleanliness because of this antiseptic saliva on their tongues.

Which is more allergenic cats or golden retrievers?

cats (well it depends), because they lick their fur and the saliva on the fur flakes off and goes into the air and people r allergic to the saliva not the fur.

Which cat is best for somebody with allergies?

If you have an allergic reaction to dandruff and or fur the best cat you would want to get is a Siberian Cat. I know it sounds weird but check out google and type in "cat without dander." Answer If someone has allergic reactions to cats it's usually because of cats saliva. Cats spend most of their time grooming themselves that their saliva gets and clings on their fur. So people with allergies to cats are not allergic to the cats fur, but to their cats saliva. I suggest to a person with allergies to cats to get a Spynx ( a hairless breed of cat) or an American Shorthair. These are the best breeds of cats for people who have allergies.

Why do some cats drool in their sleep?

Some cats drool in their sleep because they are relaxed and content, which can cause their salivary glands to produce more saliva than usual. This excess saliva may then dribble out of their mouths while they are sleeping.

How do cats let out heat?

Cats have sweat glands in their paws. They will lick their paws and when the saliva evaporates, it will take heat with it and that will cool off the cat. Cats also pant if they get really hot.

Is it bad if saliva comes out of a cats butt?

Yes, it is bad. There is no gland that can create saliva near that end of a cat, so it cannot be saliva; whatever the fluid is, it is not meant to be there, and is probably a symptom of some intestinal problem. Get your cat to the vet promptly and get a diagnosis.

Why do cats' noses drip when they purr?

When cats purr, they produce excess saliva which can cause their noses to drip. This is a normal reaction and helps keep their nasal passages moist.

Do tigers mark there terrotory by using saliva?

Tigers mark territory much like house cats, by urinating.

What cats to own if you are allergic to their saliva?

Balinese, Oriental Shorthair, Javanese, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, Siberian, and Sphynx. :)

How do hairless cats clean themselves?

Hairless cats clean themselves by licking their skin with their rough tongues, similar to how cats with fur groom themselves. They use their saliva to remove dirt and oils from their skin, keeping themselves clean and healthy.