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Q: Do cats and dogs get along with exotic animals?
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What are some exotic pets?

exotic pets are animals that people dont usually have (i.e. cats dogs fish....are nonexotic animals) so if your animal is an animal that is not found in many is probably called exotic :) :D :P

Do veterinarians who treat exotic pets have different training than vets who treat cats and dogs?

Veterinarians go through the same training. Those who treat exotic animals have further specialized training and experience dealing with exotic animals.

What exotic pets can you own in California?

some animals that can be own by people are the house mouse, Norway rat, cats, dogs.

Note on farm animals that are non ruminants?

Pigs, horses, farm fowl, cats, dogs and the more exotic farm animals like ostriches, emus, and foxes.

Are turtles exodic?

"Exotic" in terms of animals literally means animals not native to a certain habitat. This means that the American box turtle is exotic in Asia, and the Asian box turtle is exotic in America. Exotic pets can also sometimes mean "unusual" pets, such as anything other than cats, dogs, and goldfish.

What animals do ferrets get along with?

Ferrets generally get along well with other ferrets and some cats and dogs, but may not always get along with other animals like birds or rodents.

How many exotic cats die a year from abuse?

Dogs FTW

What animals live in Prague?

Dogs, puppies, kittens, cats, birds, cattle, donkeys, bulls, fish, exotic pets, goats, horses, pigs, and rabbits

What are some breeds of dog that get along with other animals - like cats or dogs - well?

Go to the humane society and ask about dogs that go well with other animals.

What animals get on with cats?


Why are dogs called cats?

They aren't. Dogs and cats are completely different species of animals.

Are cats and dogs the same type of plant?

Cats and dogs are Fauna, animals, not plants