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Yes they do. However, black bears rarely attack people and never do it without a reason! Like all bears, they are normally afraid of humans and would run away from people on sight. But they will attack if you get between a mother and her cub(s).

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11y ago

It is estimated that up to 90 percent of all black bear-inflicted deaths are motivated by predatory drive, that is the bear killed the person in order to eat them. If a black bear begins following or stalking you, yelling and throwing rocks at the bear will sometimes discourage it and cause it to discontinue the predatory behavior. In that situation, experts agree that you should fight back with everything you have, because your life depends on it.

Predatory black bear attacks tend to occur in broad daylight, but are rare in a campsite situation for some reason. Predatory black bears are sometimes in a starvation mode, such as during a drought, or when the berry crop fails, but that is not always the case. Predatory grizzly attacks usually occur at night, and typically involve campers in tents.

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12y ago

Yes, a black bear can kill a man, especially when the black bear sees the human. The black bear is the most feared bear in the world. Black bears have bad aggressions and a large size that can knock out a human with their powerful claws and teeth. There have been more serious cases of black bears killing humans than other bears.

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Not necessarily, but if they are provoked they will attack people. They are not man eaters.

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Does a black bear have some predators?

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