Yes, beavers float they float on their back. I think God made beavers able to float is so they can find wood faster. beavers can also swim. A beaver and a platupus are just about the same thing. but Iam not sure if a platupus can swim like a beaver can. Beavers are very smart animals like a cheetah or tiger because it can find it's habitat fasterr than other animals can because the're house is like dam.
Beavers float.
The dam helps the beaver protect itself from predators, creating a pond to float food, but most importantly creating shelter.
Beavers carry wood in the mouth but can also use they're front feet/hands to throw wood onto dams and place wood onto they're lodge duellings.Beavers also build canals to float building materials that are too difficult to haul over land.
Beavers are brown
No. Beavers are rodents.
me i am a beavers friend
Richard Beavers's birth name is Beavers, Richard.
Yes, Beavers have a backbone
what are beavers enimies? A. The otter
beavers are the prey
Beavers have never had a king.