

Do badgers live in dreyes

Updated: 11/13/2022
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13y ago

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No, badgers live in setts. Squirrels live in dreys.

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Q: Do badgers live in dreyes
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Do badgers live in nest?

Badgers live in underground burrows, called 'setts'.

Do badgers live in a tropical or the polar?

Neither. Badgers live in temperate climates.

Do badgers coexist with baboons?

No, baboons live in trees and badgers live underground in setts.

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Badgers live in what types of areas?

Badgers live all over the world. All of them live underground in burrows called setts.

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Where in Alberta do badgers live?

Badgers live in the open prairie. underground below the roots of the trees. and in rocky areas.

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yes they do they live in dens

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Where does the badgers live?

In dens in the ground

Which county do badgers live in?
