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No they don't hibernate they migrate, because the way they live there body tempature is so low that way they live in such warm areas.

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No because they live in warm places like Texas or New Mexico but with all the traveling they are doing they may have to adapt to hibernating soon.

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Q: Do armadillos hibernate
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Is Colorado a safe habitat for armadillos?

Colorado is much too cold in the winter for armadillos as they are unable to hibernate and have little body protection for cold weather.

Why do armadillo come out during the day?

Armadillos neither hibernate nor do they migrate. However, the nine-banded armadillo is rapidly spreading it range to areas in the United States that previously had no armadillos.

Why do armadillos live in hot climates?

Armadillos have little body fat or hair that act as insulators against cold temperatures. Also, the armadillo does not hibernate. It must live in warm temperatures to survive.

Does an armadillo migrate or hibernate?

No, they do not migrate. However, they are rapidly expanding their range and I suppose that could be considered a form of migration.They are also incapable of hibernation. To hibernate an animal must be able to store large amounts of fat in their body to survive for months without eating. Armadillos are not able to do this.

What is a group of armadillo?

A pack of Armadillos. ARMADILLOS ROCK! A pack of Armadillos. ARMADILLOS ROCK! I have to agree with the "armadillos rock" but armadillos have no "group name" they're just called "a bunch" or a "pack" ARMADILLOS ARE THE BEST YOUR RIGHT I LOVE ARMADILLOS. And armadillos live in packs.

Can an armadillo live in Pennsylvania?

Pennsylvania is probably much too cold in the winter for an armadillo. Armadillos are unable to accumulate an excess of fats to survive without eating for months and they are not able to hibernate.

What is a group of Armadillo called?

A pack of Armadillos. ARMADILLOS ROCK! A pack of Armadillos. ARMADILLOS ROCK! I have to agree with the "armadillos rock" but armadillos have no "group name" they're just called "a bunch" or a "pack" ARMADILLOS ARE THE BEST YOUR RIGHT I LOVE ARMADILLOS. And armadillos live in packs.

Are armadillos melons?

No, armadillos are not melons. Armadillos are animals and melons are fruit

Can armadillos fly?

No, armadillos cannot fly.

Are there any armadillos in Australia?

Armadillos are strictly animals of the Americas and do not occur in Australia.

Are armadillos rabid?

Armadillos are considered as not a carrier of rabies.

Do armadillos have ten legs?

No, armadillos have 4 legs.