Sea otters have webbed feet.
Beavers have webbed hind feet.
The Tibetan water shrew has webbed feet, although other shrews do not.
No. Frogs are not mammals of any description. Frogs are amphibians.
The otter has webbed feet for swimming, helping them move gracefully through the water. These aquatic mammals are known for their playful behavior and streamlined bodies, perfect for navigating rivers and lakes.
No. Chipmunks are not marsupials, which are pouched mammals. Chipmunks are placental mammals.
Platypuses are not a mix of any other animals. The webbed feet they have are entirely their own, and always have been.
Owls have talons and may have feathered feet, but do not have webbed feet. Instead, owls have a rough nubby surface which covers the foot, and helps to grip its prey for capture.
Marsupials are mammals with pouches for raising their young. Mammoths did not have any such pouch. So mammoths weren't marsupials. Instead, they were placental mammals.
No. Generally webbed feet only appear on animals that swim during any time in their lives. Storks and cranes do not swim, but walk through the water.
Any of various largely aquatic carnivorous mammals (as genus Lutra or Enhydra) of the weasel family that usually have webbed and clawed feet and dark brown fur (Merriam Collegiate Dictionary Definition 1)
No a kangaroo is not an ungulate mammal but it is a Marsupial mammal.Ungulates are placental mammals.
Marsupials, monotremes, and placentals are all types of mammals. To qualify as a mammal, an animal has to be warm blooded, have hair, and produce milk for its young. Alligators do not fit any of those criteria, because they are reptiles, not mammals. So they are not marsupials, monotremes, or placentals.
swollen hands and feet wide and webbed neck
Humans - like almost all mammals - give birth.