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Yes they do they are part of the dog family and if they had no strong sense of smell they could not track down there food easily they have the same sense of smell as a pet dog if they din t they will not survive.

if you want to know more about dogs and wolfs just email me

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Q: Do Timberwolfs have strong sense
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10 senses of strong Sense 1: strong (vs. weak) beardown(prenominal)beefed-upbrawny, hefty, muscular, powerful, sinewybullneckedbullockyfortifiedhard, knockout, severeindustrial-strength, weapons-gradeironlikeknock-down(prenominal), powerfulnoticeablereinforced, strengthenedrobuststiffvehementvirilewell-knit, well-set Sense 2: strong intense (vs. mild) Sense 3: potent, strong powerful (vs. powerless) Sense 4: potent (vs. impotent), strong, stiff equipotentmultipotent Sense 5: impregnable, inviolable, secure, strong, unassailable, unattackable invulnerable (vs. vulnerable) Sense 6: solid, strong, substantial sound (vs. unsound) Sense 7: strong irregular (vs. regular) Sense 8: hard, strong alcoholic (vs. nonalcoholic) Sense 9: strong, warm fresh (vs. stale) Sense 10: firm, strong forceful (vs. forceless)

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amphibians does have a sense of smell

How strong is the sense of smell?

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What are a wolf's strengths?

they have strong sense of smell and a good sense of hearing

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