No. While some are currently used as guard dogs, that was not their original purpose. As the name implies, German Shepherds were originally bred to herd sheep. As part of their sheep herding duties, they were to protect the sheep from wolves and thieves. They were also expected to protect their human owner from thieves, which led to their eventual use as personal protection dogs.
NO! You are stereotyping a wonderful breed and asking a foolish childish question. German shepherds are sweet, playful, loyal, child-loving herding dogs who were bred to protect sheep from wolves. They are sweet and unique, more smart than most PEOPLE and simply protective. The myth of German shepherds being 'mean' was started by cruel, stupid people when the news of 75% of police dogs being German shepherds spread... German shepherds/ all police dogs aren't mean... their protecting the community and doing what their told... Shepherds are SWEET, SWEET DOGS!
As with all dogs you have to establish yourself as the leader of the pack. German Shepard's are great dogs but as all guard dogs they need proper training. I've played with them all my life since my aunt and uncle were breeders and they let me do anything when growing up and are great companions. The #1 breed to bite humans are actually poodles.
If they are raised around humans and other cats and dogs, German Shepherds can be very social.
They mate as dogs do, just like any other breed of dog.
Yes, I'm sure they do, just like all other humans out there.
Small Australian Shepherds are breed with each other to get smaller puppies. No other breed is used.
Yes, a few to name are: - German Shepherds - Australian Shepherds - Belgian Shepherds They're all merely different by a name but sport many different looks and personalities from each other.
there is no such thing as the worst dog breed! a breed is a breed and some breeds of dogs are used for specialized things and are better at thing then other dog breeds like your working dogs like kelpies are good for agility and then you have ur German shepherds which are good attack dogs. things like that
Yes if they are properly socialized at a young age.
White German Shepherds are the same as the traditional German Shepherds in terms of behavior and characteristics, but they have a white coat color due to a recessive gene. They can be equally good as pets, as long as they receive proper training, socialization, and care just like any other German Shepherd.
A dog barking at another dog in any situation is not breed specific. Your shepherd may be barking at the other dog simply by frustration or an attempt to communicate.
That is not true. There is nothing stating that Jewish people will not own German Shepherds. As a matter of fact, many German Shepherd police dogs are trained in Israel and imported into other countries.
German Shepherds do not have a direct symbiotic relationship with any specific organism. However, they may form close bonds with humans and other animals in their pack, which could be considered a form of symbiosis based on mutual benefit and cooperation.
No... They are a breed within a breed, not very hard to get though. yes but if a german shepard is all white and the nose is white as well it can not be in the akc program by the guide lines