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I say that they must hibernate right before summer so they have lots of enrgize for this summer. They must hibernate in May around the 11th because my gerbil is fat and is sleeping all day long and is curled up in a ball all the time. from your friend, Tiara the 9 year old

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Q: Do Gerbils Hibernate During Certain Months?
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During cold winter months amphibians go into Hibernation.

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Some scientists believe that certain sharks, including tiger sharks, hibernate in deep water during the cold months. But there has never been any evidence of hibernation, only migration.

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Most reptiles and amphibians in the Sonoran Desert hibernate during the coldest months of winter and estivate (summer hibernation) during the hottest summer months. Few, if any, mammals have a need to hibernate as the weather is quite mild in winter.

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The common porcupine doesn't hibernate, but it may stay in its den during bad weather.

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No, Nile monitors do not hibernate. They are active year-round and do not go into a state of torpor during the winter months.

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Porcupines do not hibernate. They are active throughout the year, foraging for food during all seasons. They may rely on their thick, insulating layer of quills to stay warm during the winter months.

Do shunks hibernate?

Skunks do not hibernate; they become less active during the winter months but may still venture out to search for food. They rely on their thick fur and fat reserves to stay warm during the colder periods.

Is hibernate common noun?

No, the word 'hibernate' is not a noun. The word 'hibernate' is a verb, meaning to pass the winter in a sleeping or resting state; to be in an inactive or dormant state or period; a word for an action. The noun forms of the verb to hibernate are hibernator, hibernation, and the gerund, hibernating.

Do sidewinders hibernate?

Sidewinders dont technically hibernate, they become diurnal in the cooler months where it lives. Diurnal means to come out during the day and sleep at night. In the warmer months however, Sidewinders are nocturnal, or night animals.

Do daddy long legs hibernate?

Daddy long legs do not hibernate in the traditional sense. They are active throughout the year, but their activity may slow down during colder months. They can often be found seeking shelter in protected areas during winter.

What do gray foxes do during winter?

The gray fox does not hibernate in winter and continues much the same routine as during the warmer months.

What animals actually do not hibernate?

Some animals that do not hibernate include certain species of birds, like geese and swans. Other animals, like dolphins and seals, are active year-round and do not hibernate. Additionally, many reptiles, such as snakes and lizards, do not undergo true hibernation but may exhibit periods of inactivity during colder months.