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yes, but it's more about the way they're designed. they work like a pair of scissors, if they wanted to, they could easily lop one of your fingers off, lol

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about 1200psi

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Q: Do English bull terriers have powerfull jaws?
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Do rottweiler's jaws lock?

Yes, they do. Pit bulls/Staffordshire bull terriers do NOT though, that is a myth.

Do taffordshire bull terriers have lock jaws?

No, Staffordshire Bull Terriers do not have "locking jaws." This is a myth and there is no scientific evidence to support such claims. Like any other breed of dog, they have normal jaw structure and function.

Do staffordshire bull terriers have lockjaw?

Expert scientific studies prove that the jaws of Staffordshire Bull Terriers are no different than any other breed of dog. There is no evidence that any kind of locking mechanism exists in the Staffordshire Bull Terrier or any other related dog breed.

Do rottweilers have locking jaws?

No, unlike pit bulls, rottweilers do not have locking jaws.

Do staffies and lock jaws?

No, no dog does. There is no "locking mechanism" in any dog. Ever.

Do staffies have lockjaw?

This is a myth, Staffordshire Bull Terriers do not have ''lockjaw''. In fact, no breed does! Staffordshire Bull Terriers and American Staffordshire Terriers have exactly the same jaw formation as any other breed of dog. They do have incredibly strong muscles in their jaws but the condition ''lockjaw'' does not exist in any breed.

Do English bull terriers have lock jaw?

strictly speaking no dog has the ability to lock its jaw.some breeds such as staffies and bull terriers have a very strong bite that could appear locked and /or a lasting bite could cause a build up of lactic acid in the jaw muscles which can develope into cramp and thus seem locked

Do Jack Russell Terriers have locking Jaws?

No dogs have "locking jaws", that is a myth.

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Do American pit bull terrier jaws lock?

They really do not have a lock or get locked. their jaws are so powerfull to hold unto the bite.

Which of the following is an example of predator adaptation a porcupines needles a sharks powerfull jaws a frogs bright colors or a plants poisonous chemicals?

a sharks powerful jaws

Who would win in a fight pit bull or a red fox?

pit bull, their jaws are so powerful that their jaws can stop a bullet