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Q: Do Dolphins use sonograms to hunt at night?
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Doctors are able to make sonograms through the use of what?

Doctors are able to make sonograms through the use of ULTRASOUND.Ultrasound.

How do dolphins and bats use sounds to navigate and hunt?

There put their butts in the air

Is there radiation involved in sonograms?

No, sonograms do not involve radiation. They use sound waves to create images of structures inside the body.

How does ultrasound work with dolphins?

because is dark in the sea, so the dolphins can't see. the dolphins use ultra sound to navigate and to hunt for pray, like a bat does.

What do sonograms use to record images?

they use soundwaves to produce the images.

What do botos use sonar for and other mammals do they resemble?

Botos use sonar to navigate and hunt. They resemble dolphins.

What do botos use sonar for and what other mammals do they resemble?

Botos use sonar to navigate and hunt. They resemble dolphins.

Do deer see well at night?

No. You can hunt at night but you can not use artificial light or night vision.

How are doctors able to make sonograms through the use of?

Ultrasounds :)

Do elephants use any special body parts to hunt or to build homes?

does the dolphins have any special body parts to use eat,hunt,or build a home.

What animals use light refraction?

bats and dolphins use sound refraction to hunt for food. the bat is blind so they have to use sound refraction.

What 3 animals use sound to hunt?

Bats use echolocation to hunt for insects by emitting high-pitched sounds and listening for the echoes that bounce back. Dolphins use echolocation to navigate and hunt for fish by emitting clicks and listening to the echoes that return. Orcas (killer whales) use vocalizations to communicate and coordinate their hunting efforts, such as corralling fish into a tight group before attacking.