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Some breeders may choose to dock Schapso puppies tails, others don't. As there is no official Breed Standard for the Schapso, it is a matter of personal taste if this ''breed'' is docked or not.

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14y ago

No, the tails of Border Collie puppies should not be docked. According to the American Kennel Club's breed standard of the Border Collie, their tails should be moderately long as least reaching to their hocks.

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Yes, they do but the tails are usually docked for hygienical reasons.

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No, bulldog puppies are not typically born with docked tails. Tail docking is a practice that involves surgically removing part of a dog's tail for various reasons, but it is not a common procedure for bulldogs. It is important to check with reputable breeders to ensure ethical and humane breeding practices.

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Field Spaniels tails are usually docked, especially if they are used for work. The Breed Standard does not stipulate how much of the tail should be docked, but it is usually docked at around the second joint.

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Hungarian Vizsla's tails are docked by one or two thirds to match the breed standard. In the UK this operation is illegal unless the dog was bred for working.

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They can be. But the cows use their tails for flyswatters, so it would be kind of mean.

When should a Boston Terrier's tail be docked?

Yes, Boston Terriers can have their tails docked. However, Boston Terriers with docked tails are disapproved or even disqualified by some reputable kennel clubs such as the American Kennel Club (AKC). Docking of tails on dogs is also banned in some countires, including the United Kingdom. Some people believe that docking is cruel, as this process is done when the puppy is only a few days old and causes great pain. Docking is also unnecessary, and should not be done unless if you want to enter the dog into a dog show in the future.