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no. Bengal tigers live in the rain forest or the desert. it is hot mostly year long in both of these places with little to no snow. This leads to no reason for the tiger to hibernate, which is why it doesn't.

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Tigers do not migrate. They have large territories which they patrol, but are not migratory animals.

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yes in winter they hibernate

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Q: Do Bengal Tigers hibernate
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Do tigers migrate or hibernate?

They do not hibernate, and do not migrate, except for some Bengal tigers that follow herds of wild Goats and Sheep in the foothills of the Himalayas. Ascending to 14000 feet in the summer, and returning to the valleys in summer.

Where do Bengal tigers hibernate?

Bengal tigers do not hibernate. They live in India (which is hot year round) so they have no reason to. Neither do Siberian tigers (who even live in cold places). They have their ways of finding food like deer during the winter. Deer also don't hibernate, so the tiger can hunt that in the snowy winters of Siberia (but they can also be found in other places besides Siberia, you may also hear the names Amur, North China, or Korean)

Does a tiger hibernate migrate or stay?

Tigers do not hibernate or migrate.

Are Bengal tigers cannibals?

No, Bengal tigers are not cannibals.

Why do tigers hibornate?

Tigers do not hibernate.

When do tigers hibenate?

tigers do not hibernate!

What are the Bengal tigers predators?

Bengal tigers have no natural wild predators.

How long do orange tigers hibernate?

I think the tigers hibernate because they might die.

Where are Bengal tigers endangered?

bengal tigers are endangerd everywhere but not in zoos

Do Bengal tigers eat their mothers?

Bengal tigers do not eat their mother.

What is Bengal tigers in Swedish?

"Bengal tigers" is "Bengaliska tigrar" in Swedish.

Are Bengal tigers considered mammals?

Yes Bengal tigers are mammals.